Not Ability, But Availability

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In today’s blog post, we’re diving into the story of David—an underdog who became one of Israel’s greatest kings—and how God delights in using the least likely people for extraordinary purposes.

God’s Call for the Underdog
The Bible is full of stories where God chooses the least likely to make the greatest impact. If you’ve ever felt disqualified, like you don’t have the right background or experience, then you’re in good company. God doesn't look at your past, mistakes, or weaknesses. Instead, He sees your heart, and that's what matters most to Him.

David, one of the Bible’s most prominent figures, was overlooked even by his own family. When the prophet Samuel came to anoint the next king, David wasn’t even invited to the gathering. Yet, God had chosen him—someone everyone else had dismissed—because of his heart, not his outward appearance or status.

God Looks at the Heart, Not the Resume
In 1 Samuel 16:7, God tells Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

This truth frees us from the pressure of feeling like we need to have it all together before God can use us. It’s not about ability—it’s about availability. God doesn't care if you have the most experience, the best education, or the most polished skill set. He’s looking for people willing to say, "Here I am, Lord, use me."

David: From Shepherd to King
David wasn’t an overnight success. He started as a shepherd, faithfully tending sheep, and when Samuel asked Jesse if he had any more sons, David was the one who had been forgotten in the field. But even then, God saw David’s potential. Despite being young and seemingly insignificant, David was anointed as the future king of Israel because his heart was aligned with God’s purpose.

Being overlooked by others doesn’t mean you’re overlooked by God. Whether you're a parent, student, businessperson, or anyone feeling like you're not "enough," God sees you in your fields of daily life, and He’s ready to use you for something bigger.

An Invitation to the King’s Table
Fast forward in David’s life, and we see him extend grace to another underdog, Mephibosheth, a man who was crippled and forgotten. David, now king, invites Mephibosheth to eat at his table as if he were one of the king's sons. This powerful act of kindness mirrors the grace that God extends to us. Despite our brokenness, God invites us to sit at His table through the work of Jesus.

How Jesus Embraces the Least Likely
Just as David was the underdog called from the fields, Jesus calls us from our struggles, imperfections, and sin. He doesn’t wait for us to be "good enough" or qualified. Instead, He welcomes us, the least likely, to His table of grace.

The good news is that no matter how disqualified we feel, God's grace covers our weaknesses. He uses ordinary people—just like you and me—to fulfill His extraordinary purposes. When we make ourselves available, God can do more through us than we ever imagined.

God's favorite story is the story of the least likely. He delights in using the underdog, the overlooked, and the broken for His glory. So, if you’ve ever wondered, "Could God really use me?" the answer is a resounding "Yes!" All He asks for is your availability, not your ability.

Let’s give God our "yes" today and trust that He has incredible plans for each of us, because in God’s eyes, the underdog is always primed for greatness.


Your Past is Not Your Future


Cheerful Generosity