Introduction As the year draws to a close, we’re reminded of the fleeting nature of time. It can feel as if moments slip through our fingers, especially when life seems overwhelming. But today, let’s explore a story that reveals a powerful truth: God’s timing is never off, and His grace is always sufficient, no matter how dire our circumstances may appear.
A Tale of Two Stories: Jairus and the Bleeding Woman The Gospel of Luke introduces us to two intertwined lives—Jairus, a synagogue leader desperate to save his dying 12-year-old daughter, and an unnamed woman suffering from a debilitating condition for the same span of 12 years. Both face a moment where they must decide whether to reach out to Jesus, trusting in His power and timing.
Jairus, a respected figure in his community, humbles himself publicly, pleading for Jesus to heal his daughter. Meanwhile, the woman, considered unclean and shunned by society, quietly pushes through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe. Both are united by their desperation and their faith in Jesus' ability to intervene.
The Woman’s Faith: A Bold Reach for Healing This woman’s story is a testament to unrelenting faith. After years of failed treatments and social rejection, she reaches out for one last chance, crawling through a crowd that could have condemned her. With a single touch of Jesus’ garment, her bleeding stops, and her world changes.
Jesus’ response is remarkable: He stops, asks who touched Him, and affirms her faith publicly, calling her “Daughter.” This not only restores her physically but also socially and spiritually. Jesus doesn’t see her as an outcast but as a cherished child of God.
Jairus’ Journey: When All Hope Seems Lost While Jesus ministers to the woman, news arrives that Jairus’ daughter has died. The message is clear: “Don’t bother the Teacher anymore.” But Jesus challenges this hopelessness with two commands: “Don’t be afraid. Only believe.”
Arriving at Jairus’ home, Jesus defies the mourners’ laughter and speaks life into the lifeless girl: “Child, arise.” In an instant, her spirit returns, reminding us that God’s power transcends our understanding of time and finality.
Faith Over Fear Both Jairus and the woman show us what it means to trust God when time seems up. Their stories challenge us to believe in Jesus’ ability to move in our lives, even when others say it’s too late.
Have you ever felt like it’s too late for God to step into your situation? Perhaps you’ve been struggling for years, trying to fill a void or fix something only God can heal. Like the woman, you may feel unclean or unworthy. Or, like Jairus, you may think the situation has gone too far for even Jesus to help.
But here’s the truth: God’s timing is always perfect, and His power is never limited by our circumstances.
What Does Reaching Out Look Like? Reaching out to Jesus can be as simple as:
Reading the Bible for the first time.
Praying honestly about your struggles.
Worshiping with a heart of surrender.
Faith doesn’t require perfection. It requires belief in a God who sees you, hears you, and has the power to restore you.
When Time Feels Up, God Steps In Just as Jesus restored the woman’s dignity and brought Jairus’ daughter back to life, He can step into your story, no matter how hopeless it seems. Romans 5:20 reminds us, “Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.”
Your Story, His Timing Jairus and the woman teach us that God’s work in our lives will look different from person to person. The key is faith. Whether you’re experiencing delay or immediate transformation, trust that God is working for your good and His glory.
Conclusion As we reflect on the year past and prepare to celebrate Christmas, remember that God’s timing is never late. He sent Jesus into the world at the perfect time, and He knows the perfect time to move in your life.
This morning, take a moment to reach out to Him in faith. No matter how long you’ve been waiting or how impossible the situation seems, God’s time is never up. Believe that He can—and will—step into your story, calling you His beloved child and making you whole again.
Call to Action What’s stopping you from reaching out to Jesus today? Let go of fear, embrace faith, and trust that the same God who healed the woman and raised Jairus’ daughter is ready to meet you where you are. Time is not up for God—and it never will be.