What is He Worth

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In a world filled with distractions, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly valuable. Many of us settle for small, temporary pleasures when a far greater treasure is right in front of us—God’s presence and kingdom. Today, we’ll explore how the value we place on God directly shapes our relationship with Him and the steps we’re willing to take in faith.

A Hidden Treasure in the Field

Jesus illustrates this concept perfectly in Matthew 13:44-46 with two short but powerful parables. In one, a man discovers a hidden treasure in a field, and in the other, a merchant finds a pearl of great value. In both stories, they sell everything they own to gain these treasures. The message is clear: When you realize the incredible value of something, you’re willing to give up everything for it.

The treasure and the pearl represent God’s kingdom and presence. When we truly grasp how valuable God is, everything else pales in comparison. The question is, do we see God in that light, or are we too attached to lesser things?

Are You Settling for Small Things?

Too often, we settle for the "small mountains" in life, content with mediocre views when God has something far greater for us. Imagine driving through the mountains and constantly stopping to take pictures, thinking each one is the best view you’ll see. But as you get closer, the mountains become even more breathtaking, making those earlier stops seem insignificant. The closer we get to God, the more everything else pales in comparison.

Do we value God that way, or are we settling for less? Whether it's material possessions, bad habits, or even the opinions of others, something might be holding us back from fully embracing the treasure of God’s presence.

Taking Steps of Faith: Zaccheus’ Story

The story of Zaccheus in Luke 19:1-10 exemplifies this perfectly. Zaccheus, a wealthy but despised tax collector, valued Jesus enough to climb a tree just to see Him. Despite the obstacles—his short stature, the crowd, his reputation—he didn’t let anything stand in the way of his desire to experience Jesus.

In response, Jesus not only noticed Zaccheus but invited Himself to Zaccheus’ house, an act that changed his life. Zaccheus was willing to part with his wealth, his reputation, and even make restitution to those he had wronged. This wasn’t about earning salvation but demonstrating how much he valued Jesus, and it was a response to the treasure he found in Him.

Don’t Let Obstacles Stand in the Way

Many of us face obstacles in our spiritual journey, whether it's fear of what others might think, a lack of time, or the comforts we cling to. Zaccheus didn’t let these obstacles stop him. He valued Jesus enough to climb the tree, take a step of faith, and experience the transformation that only God can offer.

What’s holding you back from fully pursuing God? What’s stopping you from taking that next step in faith? Whether it’s inviting a friend to church, stepping out in generosity, or dedicating more time to prayer and reading Scripture, the treasure of God’s presence is worth any sacrifice.

Jesus Values You as His Treasure

Here’s the incredible part: We are the treasure in the field for Jesus. He left everything to seek us, to save us, and to bring us into relationship with Him. The same way the man sold all he had for the treasure, Jesus gave His life for us. He sees us as valuable, and in return, He calls us to value Him in the same way.

So today, let’s stop settling for less. Let’s put our full focus and value on God. He is the treasure worth seeking, the pearl worth everything.


How much value do you place on God? Are you willing to take steps of faith to experience more of Him, or are you settling for lesser things? Zaccheus' story reminds us that when we truly value God, we won’t let obstacles stand in our way.

Jesus has already taken the initiative—now it’s our turn to respond, to go all in for the treasure He offers. Let’s place God on the throne of our lives again today.

Call to Action

If you’re ready to take that next step of faith—whether it’s surrendering something that’s holding you back or simply valuing God more in your daily life—now is the time. Don’t settle for less. Seek the treasure that’s worth everything.


No Stone Will Take My Place